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Allure magazine polled 2,000 men and women from across the country to find out “what’s beautiful now.” Read some of their findings below regarding confidence, fitness, age and weight!

African-American Women Have Killer Confidence

African-American women were three times as likely as Caucasian women to rate themselves at the hot end of the spectrum.

Women Are Conflicted About Curves

73% percent of women say that a curvier body type is more appealing now than it has been in the past ten years. However, 85% still wanted their hips to be narrower.

Aging Isn’t Acceptable?

93% percent of women say the pressure to look young today is greater than it’s ever been.

The Most Stressed-About Body Part

35% percent of men and women said that, if there is one part of their bodies they’d like to change the most, it’s their stomachs.

Even Guys Worry About Weight

97% of women said that they wanted to weigh less—but so did 86% percent of men. Read more results HERE!

Check Out Fitness Tips To Keep Your Body Fit Like The Celebs:

Women Waiting Longer To Marry, Divorce Rate Drops [REPORT]

Live-In Girlfriends Unhappier, Have Lower Self-Esteem Than Wives? [REPORT]

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