Majic ATL Featured Video

Boy oh boy, this episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta” was BY FAR my favorite episode EVER! The ladies finally arrive in Africa for their 10-day get-away: a little sight seeing, drinking and of course, fighting. Shade is being thrown before the girls even leave the airport and it’s officially the Talls (Nene, Cynthia and Marlo) against the Smalls (Phadera, Kandi and Sheree). Marlo wastes no time in getting on everyone’s nerves and during the car ride to the hotel, she asks the most ridiculous etiquette questions either to prove her sophistication or just bug the heck out of everyone she’s around. “When someone asks you to pass the salt, do you pass both the salt and pepper or just the salt?” she asks the other girls who quite frankly, don’t care either way. Once they arrive at the hotel, Marlo still won’t shut up, and keeps saying how she doesn’t want to share a bathroom because she “just doesn’t do that”.

“Marlo better be happy she has a place to lay her head because I don’t recall inviting her on this trip.” Phadera told cameras. Agreed!

But aside from Marlo’s chatter mouth, the girls put their differences aside while they’re in Africa and try to tolerate each other. At least for the time being.  The next day, they all go on a boat ride where they’re forced to be in each other’s presence for the whole day. They decide that this is the perfect time to have a heart to heart, and lay all their feelings about one another on the table. Marlo brings up her ill feelings towards Kandi (again, Marlo who invited you?), Phadera and Cynthia talk about their issues and even Nene and Sheree discuss the possibility of moving forward and taking things one step at a time. The whole group agrees that for the rest of the time they’re in Africa they will all try to get along. (We knew that wasn’t going to last long)

Once they head back to their hotel room after the boat ride, Sheree, Phadera and Kandi get ready to go to a dinner at Sheree’s friend’s house. The only problem is that Cynthia, Marlo and Nene aren’t invited.  At first, Cynthia and Marlo are a little hurt at the fact that Sheree didn’t include them in their dinner plans (and Nene just doesn’t care) but after Sheree extends the invitation to Cynthia and not Marlo, things get ugly!

Marlo, (who wasn’t invited to Africa in the first place) confronts Sheree about not being invited to the dinner, calling her insecure and fake for not extending the invitation. Sheree snaps back with saying that Marlo is the fake one and that nobody knew she was coming to Africa in the first place. Marlo then calls Sheree out for not having a man and then Sheree calls Marlo out for sleeping with 80-year old men! Ding Ding Ding It’s about to go down!

At this point, you needed subtitles to understand exactly what Marlo and Sheree were saying. “Either they were speaking in tongues or Spanish because all I heard was jibberish” Phadera told the cameras. The fighting went on for a good 10 minutes when Nene (wait…Nene!?!) jumped in and tried to be the peacemaker.. Who would of thought?!

Doesn’t Sheree know Marlo has a criminal past? And what happened to Marlo’s etiquette? So much for that…

Again, who invited Marlo?

Marlo Just Adds A Little More Spice In The Gumbo! “RHOA” [RECAP]

Nene Leakes: “I Don’t Like Sheree That Much”

“RHOA’s” Peter Thomas On Sheree: “I Don’t Think She’s Cute”

Was “Ridickulous” Too Ridiculous For Kandi’s Party? “RHOA” [RECAP]

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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