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If you’ve been more than annoyed with conservatives crying over their loss to President Barack Obama, you are not alone. Apparently, some conservatives are fed up too. Enter “The Cycle” co-host S.E. Cupp, who recently laid in to her fellow Republicans as if she was whaling on her disobedient children. According to Cupp, even though she, too, was disappointed over failed GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney‘s dramatic loss, it is time for Republicans to stop “pout[ing] in the corner like children.”

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At the end of “The Cycle’s broadcast on Tuesday, Cupp took time out to commiserate with fellow Republicans over President Obama’s win:

“I think, as footage proves, I was unreserved in expressing my disappointment that President Obama won re-election. I have been a stalwart defender of the conservative principles he’s opposed and I’ve been critical of his failures.”

But that sympathy would stop there. 

Immediately after, Cupp would go on to say what many Democrats have been thinking — if not saying — about Republicans, namely secessionists, and their “we’re-breaking-up-the-union theatrics”:

But I am also not a petulant child. That’s one way I describe the secessionist movement.”


But she’s only getting started. Cupp wastes no time handedly disciplining her brood and then sending them to take a time out:

“With all due respect to my fellow conservatives-in-arms who are choosing to deal with this loss by threatening to leave the country and take a state or two with them, may I just say: Go to the corner, you need a time out.”

With her peers on the ropes, Cupp then instructs them to move on with their lives — as she was forced to do the day after the election:

“On the morning after the election I woke up, ate breakfast, put clothes on, and got back to the business of living my life. Yes, it’s under a president whose policies make my blood boil, but I don’t think moving to Canada would solve much of anything….

“There will be another election in four years. Even though many of these policies will be hard if not impossible to undo, I’d rather be an American than a “New Yorkian,” because that just sounds weird….

“We were in it for the long haul. We knew we’d have to work for it. And that’s what I’m going to keep doing because when things don’t go our way, we don’t pout in the corner like children. We put on our big boy pants and get down to business, and now more than ever we need to commit to our great country. We need to commit to each other and find ways to disagree productively. This stunt is immature and unpatriotic and I resent it.”

Cupp then drops the mike.

It’s good to know that Republicans are waking up and starting to reign in their ridiculous behavior. Up until the President won, the majority of Republicans refused to acknowledge that Mitt Romney and his demented flip-flopping wasn’t a serious blow to his campaign. In fact, if you heard them re-tell the story, the American people were eating up Romney’s schizophrenic rhetoric like it was Thanksgiving dinner.

Those who were willing to look at the facts, such as Colin Powell, knew that it was quite a stretch to think that Romney could win the presidency on such a precarious platform. Then there were experts, such as the New York Times’ Nate Silver, who looked at the polls and concluded that Romney wouldn’t win because he lagged in key areas and demographics.

But still, most Republicans refused to listen, with all pertinent information contrary to their beliefs being sidelined and dismissed.

Now they are crying out “bloody murder” as if many experts and the American people didn’t clue them in on this reality ahead of time. If Republicans have learned anything, it is that they can no longer make up their own reality, and Cupp’s verbal beatdown underscores this point.

It’s time for Republicans to wake up.

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Conservative Host Goes In On Secessionists, Calls Them ‘Petulant Children’  was originally published on

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