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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. A New York City man Rahman Pettway didn’t want to find out the severity of his girlfriend’s fury after he had been avoiding her for several weeks. In efforts to lessen whatever anger his girl was going to bombard him with, Pettway faked his own kidnapping.

A few NYPD officers found the 36-year-old man in between two cars in Harlem. Rahman Pettway appeared to have been beaten and bound with duct tape. The duct tape covered his mouth and held his wrists and ankles together. When police first questioned Pettway, he said he couldn’t remember what exactly happened to him. Later, he told officers that two men driving a light blue mini-van kidnapped him in Brooklyn.

Officers almost believed the story until they became suspicious when they saw the roll of duct tape still attached to his wrists. Apparently, Pettway forgot or couldn’t cut the rest of the roll away from his body before cops found him. Once police made it known they were skeptical of his story, Rahman Pettway confessed to hair-brained scheme.

A source close to the police department said, “He’s a total moron. It was a pathetic attempt to pull the wool [over] her eyes.”

Rahman Pettway was arrested and charged with making a false report. There’s no word on whether his girlfriend went to bail him out just to slap the hell out of him.



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Man Faked Kidnapping Out Of Fear Of Angry Girlfriend  was originally published on

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