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President Barack Obama, surrounded by family members of victims of gun violence, and joined by Vice President Joe Biden, makes a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House on April 17, 2013. The Senate defeated a bi-partisan measure to expand background checks for gun sales. Also pictured (L) is former Rep. Gabby Giffords. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

An angry President Barack Obama blasted the National Rifle Association (NRA) and senators who voted to defeat a bi-partisan bill to expand background checks for gun sales yesterday (April 17). A proposal to ban some semi-automatic weapons modeled after military assault weapons was also defeated.

The votes were on a series of amendments to a broad package of gun laws pushed by President Obama and Democratic leaders in following the Newtown school massacre in December. Speaking from the White House Rose Garden, President Obama was joined by shooting victim and former U.S. Senator Gabby Giffords and several family members who have been affected by gun violence, including families from Newtown.

“Instead of supporting this compromise, the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill,” said President Obama, who also added that this was “a pretty shameful day for Washington.”

Watch his speech below:



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