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In case you missed the President Of The United States getting his inner comedian on, then you must take a look at his performance at the 2013 Correspondents’ Dinner or “The Nerd Prom” as it is affectionately known. This event is an opportunity for people to let their hair down a little and laugh at the absurdities that make up the Washington DC, news life.

The president mentions everything from Jay-Z  going to Cuba to CNN not getting the headlines right, to The History Channel’s Devil actor.

Says Obama;

“I know republicans are still sorting out what happened in 2012, but one thing they can agree on is that they need to do a better job reaching out to minorities.  And look call me self centered, but I can think of at least one minority they can start with, Hello! Think of me as a trial run ya know, see how it goes!”

He even introduced a “movie” that they are working on starring Daniel Day Lewis as Obama and Tracy Morgan as Joe Biden, it’s hilarious!

Check Him Out!

But the POTUS was not alone, Conan O’brien was the keynote and he did not disappoint!

Take a look at Conan in action!

It’s nice to see that people can put aside their differences even if it’s only for one night, and laugh. It’s good for everyone. And it shows us that maybe, even if politicians act as though they are oblivious to how ridiculous they are behaving, that they actually are not. While we know they will go back to business as usual on Monday morning, maybe just maybe something that was said on Saturday night, will be stuck in the back of their minds, and they will be inclined to be better than the butt of the joke. We can at least hope for it. Good job Mr. President!


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President Obama “The Comedian” Headlined at the Nerd Prom 2013  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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