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The rivalry between golfers Tiger Woods and Sergio Garcia got heated at the European Tour’s Player’s Awards dinner when Garcia made some off-color comments about Woods.

MUST READ: A Brief History Of Fried Chicken

Garcia was asked if he would be invited over Woods’ house for dinner during the U.S. Open, according to The Huffington Post, and he responded:

“We will have him round every night,” García said. “We will serve fried chicken.”

Hardy. Har. Har. We’re still doing fried chicken jokes? *Looks at calender* In 2013? Well, of course, things went left, and Garcia claimed that his joke wasn’t racist in the least.

Oh, but the apology… The apology:

“I apologize for any offense that may have been caused by my comment on stage during The European Tour Players’ Awards dinner. I answered a question that was clearly made towards me as a joke with a silly remark, but in no way was the comment meant in a racist manner.”

Their rivalry seemed to have started back when Garcia accused Woods of distracting him during the third round of The Player’s Championship.

“He called me a whiner. He’s probably right,” Garcia said on Monday at an event in Wentworth, England, via Sports Illustrated. “But that’s also probably the first thing he’s told you guys that’s true in 15 years. I know what he’s like. You guys are finding out.”

MUST SEE: Denzel Washington On Michael Jackson Coming Over For Fried Chicken

Don’t get upset and show you’re upset when someone beats you at your game. Take that sh*t in stride. Making jokes about someone else is something unclever people do when they can’t think of anything to say, and then they whine when they’re put on blast for doing wrong. If you want to make jokes make fun of yourself.

And, c’mon, who doesn’t LOVE fried chicken (vegetarians, vegans, and weirdos don’t need to respond) nowadays?

Do you think Garcia’s joke was racist?


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Sergio Garcia Apologizes Over Fried Chicken Joke About Tiger Woods  was originally published on

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