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I know many of us have migrated over to the newer version of Instagram that also allows us to post 15 second video clips, but Vine still exists! Vine was the original Instagram Video–allowing us to share six-second glimpses of our lives. While a lot of social media savants may claim that Vine is dead–we beg to differ!

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While cruising the Vine-iverse, we found several hilarious, interesting and downright AMAZING clips that just might pull Vine from Instagram video’s shadow. Check out some of the best:

Bands to make him dance!

“You better watch you mother f*cking mouth!”

We are calling her “Shemaria.” We have just affectionately given her this creative moniker because everything about her six second loop begs for the endearingly ghetto name. #ShemariaServes


Maybe Vine Isn’t Dead: Here’s 15 Amazing Posts That May Have Save It [VIDEO]  was originally published on

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