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The amount of social media we have nowadays gets to be a bit overwhelming, trust me I know. Aside from Twitter and Instagram, I tend to ignore a lot of the other social media sites like Vine, Facebook, Pinterest and Kik. Call me old-fashioned, but I feel as though I don’t need to know the ins and outs of the lives of the 352940264901 Facebook friends I have.

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However, I have found a brand new love for Pinterest. It’s more than bragging about how cool you are or how much fun you’re having at a party. Pinterest is a social media site with many practical functions. From home decor ideas to recipes, there’s so much to share and learn on Pinterest! Who knew that Pinterest could even help you create, balance and maintain a budget?! I know I didn’t! Well, thanks to Steven B. Smith–a personal finance expert as well as the CEO of Finicity the creator of Mvelopes has created a list for you to use Pinterest for the benefit of your pocketbook.

1. Lower your grocery bill

Not an extreme “couponer”? No worries, just type in “save on groceries” and you will find hundreds of “pins” about lowering your monthly grocery bill. You can find anything from full month’s menus that will feed a family of 4 for $400 a month, to creating ready crockpot meals out of in-season vegetables and “on sale” meats.

Do you love technology? Pinterest is quick to provide you with the latest apps that help track sales, make grocery lists, and download digital coupons. Just search “grocery apps” and Voila! You’ll get a collage of apps that aim to put a few more dollars in your pocket book by helping you find deals on food items.

2. You don’t have to get it NOW – sleep on your choices & save

Pinterest is a great environment not only for finding things you absolutely love, but it also gives you the opportunity to sort through your choices, sleep on them and then look for a bargain on that perfect item both on and off-line. We all know it’s never good to buy on impulse. There’s no harm with “pinning” on impulse! Create your clothing boards, favorite recipe boards, and home décor boards. You can even prioritize your pins and choose favorites or must haves. Pinning does not cost you a dime. Making premature purchase decisions can cost you hundreds of dollars.

3. Save on home projects

Are you looking to spruce up your home but think it would put a huge drain on your budget? Think twice! DIY & Crafts and Home Décor sections of Pinterest offer countless ideas on how to improve your home on a thrifty budget. Is your kitchen looking a bit tired? Are you dreaming about those granite countertops but you cannot spend thousands of dollars on the upgrade? Did you know that for less than $100 you could achieve the granite countertop look by simply using paint? Pinterest is a great place to find those DIY tips and step-by-step instructions. This simple idea will save you more than 90% of what a professionally installed upgrade would cost. How about refreshing your bedroom with a new headboard? You can search hundreds of great DIY headboard ideas, pin those to your board, and decide which one would look best. With a small investment, you could have a refreshed bedroom.

Pinching Your Pennies With Pinterest: 6 Tips To Budgeting While Pinning!  was originally published on

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