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When you go to a strip club, you know you are going to come home with your pockets feeling a whole lot lighter. Enjoying the night at a gentleman’s establishment is a pricey thing. You have bottle service, lap dances, private lap dances, and tips. But one man is currently being sued because he found a way to beat the strip club system.

Houston strip club named Privilege is suing a Texas banker named James Jay Beckman, a banker for the CIT Group, for running up a tab worth about $321,000 in one month and not paying the bill. According to the lawsuit, Beckman made 14 trips to the club and charged everything to his company card. However, Privilege says they never got paid because after Beckman paid his tab with his business credit card, he called up American Express and complained about unauthorized charges. American Express removed all of the charges from the credit card and canceled their relationship with the strip club. Now Privilege is claiming they have lost the ability to process Amex credit cards and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue.

Here’s where things get interesting. This allegedly isn’t the first time Beckman has pulled a scam like this. According to the lawsuit, the banker ran up a tab at another strip club and pulled the same move. A lawyer in Houston is saying he is representing various strip clubs where James Beckman did the same thing.

Well then..


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Strip Club Sues Patron For Not Paying $321,000 Bill  was originally published on

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