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Jacoby “Preacherman” Kindred, 61, is a “self-proclaimed” pastor in Minnesota, who is charged with rape after being accused of sexually abusing the daughters of his son’s girlfriend beginning when they were only six years old and lasted for more than a decade. As if Kindred’s offenses weren’t horrific enough, he blamed his raping on the girls having the devil inside of them! I guess that’s the only way to get the devil out? Let’s talk about this “self-proclaimed” part of his title. Does that he’s not ordained? He’s not chosen by God? He’s got demons inside of him that masquerade as holy? How does one become “self-proclaimed” in a religious “position?”

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According to a criminal complaint obtained by the Pioneer Press, Kindred, a pastor with One Accord Ministries, told one victim that “the devil was inside her and he could take the demons out of her.” It’s being reported that the alleged abuse involved, “fondling, oral stimulation and rape,” and took place mostly at Kindred’s home in Maplewood, MN.

The mother of the two young victims found out about a letter that one of them had written, describing the sexual acts the sicko pastor would inflict on them. She took the letter to the authorities this summer and that’s when police began their investigation.

According to the Pioneer Press, Kindred denied the allegations and said that the girls’ mother had made them tell “lies” because she was angry with him.

“Anyone can make up anything when you sit there long enough and you rehearse it,” Kindred told the newspaper. “All a woman has to do [in Minnesota] is make an accusation, true or false, and the man’s going to be in trouble.”

Kindred can say all he wants to deny it, but these young ladies are sticking to their story and the police have issued a warrant for his arrest. Here’s hoping he gets what he deserves. I’m sure God has a special place for his faux servants. SMH.

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Pastor Who Raped Young Girls Says ‘The Devil Was Inside Them’  was originally published on

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