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Dennis Rodman/Chris Cuomo SPlit ScreenWhen it comes to foreign diplomacy, Dennis Rodman isn’t the first person you think of. However, the former basketball star is in North Korea with ten other former basketball players participating in what is being called “basketball diplomacy.” While the efforts are noble, Rodman recently lost his cool when journalist Chris Cuomo posed some hard ethical questions to the basketball great.

In an interview, journalist Chris Cuomo asked Rodman if he would do his best to help a man named Kenneth Bae. Bae was sentenced to 15 years in a North Korean labor camp on suspicious charges that haven’t been released to the American public yet. Rather than choosing not to comment or allowing someone who knew a little bit more about the matter, Rodman tried to respond and got flustered and then once he realized that he didn’t have a real answer, he got angry.

Rodman responded, “The one thing about politics, Kenneth Bae did one thing. If you understand — if you understand what Kenneth Bae did. Do you understand what he did? In this country?”

Cuomo countered with, “What did he do? You tell me.”

Cuomo’s retort got Rodman so riled up, none of the other players could calm him down despite their attempts. Dennis Rodman began screaming, “You tell me. Why is he held captive?” He then tore into Cuomo saying, “I don’t give a rat’s ass what the hell you think. You are the guy behind the mic right now. … We are the guys who have to go back to America and take the abuse.”

Check out the debacle below.



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