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A new iPhone app has been designed to make getting tested for STDs easier. Hula, the free app directs users to the nearest STD testing center, allows users to receive their test results on their phone and even share their results with partners, which takes the awkwardness out of having the “Have you been tested?” conversation.
According to TIME, the creators of the app are trying to make getting tested not only easier, but also serving faster test results. With clinics across the country being short staffed, waiting to get results can take weeks with a lot of sexually active people opting for the “no news is good news” as their answer for their sexual heath, not knowing that even those who test positive for results are often not notified.

Hula makers want to fix this broken system by allowing clinics the option of sending the lab results to users and translating the lab jargon into plain English. So that means that a result for “non-reactive Syphilis” simply comes up as negative.
But there are legal and privacy concerns that have been brought up. Some health experts think while the results do come with a time stamp, it offers false hope to sexually active couples because someone can obtain an STD in the time frame they may receive their results. Unfortunately, the same can happen with paper results.
So what do you think beauties? With STD cases on the rise and 20 million new STD cases being diagnosed in America every year, do you think this app might be beneficial? Sound off!

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Want To Know If You Have An STD? Well, There’s An App For That!  was originally published on

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