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In last night’s episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” the spotlight shined bright on Nene’s pettiness. After the charity ball debacle, Mrs. Leakes was on a warpath to ensure everyone knew that Kenya cut her deep with the shenanigans and she wanted to notify Peter that she wasn’t pleased with him, and on top of all of that, she dismissed one of her bridesmaids, Marlo as a friend. Nene used to be a crowd-favorite on this show, but I’m beginning to think her time needs to come to an end.

Marlo feeds Kenya

Arriving at Peter’s 53rd Jamaican-inspired birthday with a cloud of anger following her, Nene was ready for battle. Approaching Peter without even giving so much as a happy birthday, she talked to him about the exchange they had at Kenya’s party. Clearly still angry about him telling her he was disappointed in her behavior. I’m not sure why Nene was so shocked and appalled by Peter calling her out on the funky ass attitude she displayed at the ball. She’s sensitive and when her feelings are hurt, she shows out. Like a child, Nene throws public tantrums when she doesn’t get her way and honestly, she’s too old for it.

Nene chats with Peter

Kenya was at the party in all her fabulosity, talking and laughing with her new best friend, Marlo, to everyone’s shock. The girls knew that their new friendship would not be well received by Nene and they were certainly right. Marlo attempted to speak to her girl about the charity ball situation, but the conversation was interrupted by Kenya who went on to formally apologize to Nene about what happened.

As per usual, Nene wanted Kenya to take all the blame for the blow up at her pillow talk soiree and the sour puss way she acted during the ball. I admire Kenya’s attempt to continue to befriend Nene and always trying to make things better, but at this point she’s better than me, I would have left Nene and her blonde lace front cap alone a long time ago!

Kenya in headlights

This week’s showdown came at Cynthia’s inaugural Bailey Bowl, where each of the ladies was responsible for compiling a team of athletes to compete in a series of activities. Each team was stacked with athletes and friends and the games seemed to be off to a good start, until Marlo showed up miffed with Nene for not inviting her to be a member of her team, “Team Rich.” She was, however, invited to be member of Kenya’s team, but  her anger and sadness were visible.

Eventually, she had to approach her big sister Nene about the team member slight and things got ugly. As Nene tried to walk away from Marlo, she chased her down and they had a yelling match that led to Marlo crying on Kenya’s shoulder and Nene throwing her mic pack. Nene’s insecurities have gotten the best of her this season and ow she’s lost a good friend. I think that the rich b*tch has gotten a bit too big for her britches and I didn’t think it was possible. Instead of being the big, bad bully of the gang, it would do her some good to show herself more friendly. I think losing Marlo is just the tip of the iceberg.

Nene becomes NayNay

For more thoughts on pop culture shenanigans follow me @Hautemommie and tune in every Friday to Let Leslie Tell It on You Tube!

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‘Real Housewives Of Atlanta’ [RECAP] – Don’t Try NeNe ‘Mother F***er!’  was originally published on

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