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NeNe Kenya

Okay so by now we all know that Real Housewives Of Atlanta star Kenya Moore is never one to bite her tongue as it pertains to her co-stars and all of the wrong doing that Kenya perceives to be going on around her.

Welp today was no different! Take a look at what the twirl girl had to say about co-star NeNe Leaks in a recent blog post below!

“The truth remains the truth. Her arrogant “I am better than everyone else attitude” is hard to stomach. Even her most loyal fans can see her true colors and no Kool-Aid in the world is worth dying over. After seeing how disposable her long time friends are to her as she discards them like trash if they dare go against her, she is no one’s friend only a dictator in her own mind. I don’t need friends like her in my life.


In my world, a friend is someone who tells you the truth even when it hurts and keeps it 100% real with you at all times. A friend is someone you can trust who isn’t just your friend when the cameras are rolling or when you’re successful. A friend is someone who has proven to be loyal, one who keeps your secrets, tolerates you when you have bad days, and most importantly, never tries to climb rungs on a ladder by putting their $4,000 Tom Ford boots on the necks of any woman who also has some success. Lastly, a friend forgives and never holds grudges because they love you unconditionally.”

So remember when Kenya said she may not return to the show next season...yeah…we wonder if all this is her way of blowing kisses as she twirls her way out the door… because doing this type of trash talking only makes the ladies on the show hate her more and the public continue to roll their eyes.

We’re sure NeNe will have something to say about it…so we’ll just grab a bag of popcorn and stay tuned!


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RHOA: Kenya Moore Talks Trash About NeNe Leaks On Her Blog  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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