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A woman mindfully looking out her window

Easter means many things. It is a reminder of the depths of God’s love. It is a reminder of what humanity means. It is a time to reflect on what it is to be human, to accept the beauty of being human, and to be more hopeful and compassionate as we look at the world, and others around, with renewed eyes and a refreshed sense of gratitude.

Being more mindful of yourself and the world around you is an excellent way to celebrate this holiday weekend. In fact, being more mindful is an excellent way to celebrate your life in general.

What does it mean to be mindful?

“Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally,” according to Marsha Lucas, Ph.D, psychologist and author of Rewire Your Brain for Love.

How can you be more mindful this Easter weekend, so that you can benefit more from and better appreciate all the gifts that have been given to you?

Breathe. Be more mindful of how you’re breathing. Breathe in deeply and out deeply as often as possible throughout the day.

How To Be More Mindful This Easter Weekend  was originally published on

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