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Los Angles Clippers owner Donald Sterling became the old, wrinkled face of racism when a conversation with his mistress V. Stiviano was leaked to the public several weeks ago. In the recorded conversation Sterling can be overheard making derogatory comments about African-American basketball players and specifically NBA Hall Of Famer Magic Johnson.

RELATED: V. Stiviano Allegedly Brutally Beaten And Called Nigge* By Two NYC White Men

In the days that followed players staged their own forms of protest and the NBA commissioner banned Sterling from the NBA for life.

One former Clipper, Stephen Jackson aka “Stak5″, took to the recording booth to vent his feelings about the situation “America Da Beautiful”( A Letter To Mr. Sterling). In this exclusive interview he speaks with about the controversy.

“When I first heard the Donald Sterling comments I reached out to players to ask them what they were going to do,” says Jackson, who played for them briefly before being cut in January of 2014. “If I was still on that team I wouldn’t have played. I wouldn’t have played another game in that uniform until the team was sold.”

One criticism that has been levied on players in the NBA is that they should know what kind of person they work for. But Jackson insists that just isn’t the reality.

“Before the tape came out I’d never seen him. I didn’t now who the Clippers’ owner was,” he says.” I’ve played on a lot of NBA teams and there’s very fewer owners that I’ve seen or met. I had no recollection of him being a racist or anything before the comments came out.”

Watch the clip to hear Jackson’s verses about Sterling.


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Donald Sterling Gives Appalling Interview To Anderson Cooper [FULL INTERVIEW]

Talib Kweli Talks Jay-Z & Donald Sterling With Arsenio [VIDEO]


Stephen Jackson Disses Donald Sterling In Rap Song [EXCLUSIVE]  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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