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“The right to vote is threatened today in a way that it has not been since the Voting Rights Act was passed in to law nearly five decades ago…The real voter fraud is people trying to deny our rights by making voting harder in the first place.”

President Barack Obama, 2014 National Action Network Convention in New York City.

Though many believe them to be an effort at voter disenfranchisement, a recent poll suggest most Americans are actually in support of voter identification laws, perhaps making them harder to combat.

A total of 31 states have active voter ID laws. Many others have had their attempts to institute the laws stuck down and state court with opponents citing little to no evidence of fraud in past elections and the potential of the laws to disenfranchisement the elderly, young people and many voters of color.

For what it’s worth, A FOX News poll released last week found strong support for voter ID laws in every major demographic, including black respondents and Democrats. The poll asked, “Supporters of these laws say they are necessary to stop ineligible people from voting illegally. Opponents say these laws are unnecessary and mostly discourage legal voters from voting. What do you think?”

How Do Most Americans Feel About Voter ID Laws?

According to the poll, seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws.

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How Do Blacks Feel About Voter ID Laws?

Perhaps it’s no surprise but opposition to the laws is highest among black respondents at 46 percent. The poll did find however that a slim majority, 51 percent of black voters, support them.

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The poll surveyed 1,025 registered voters and margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent. Read more.

Poll: Most Black Voters Support Voter ID Laws  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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