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The Obama Family Getty

According to TMZ, Malia Obama went to a famous L.A. restaurant Monday night. It was a restaurant regularly frequented by celebs and paparazzi and when the White House found out a photog took her pic they were very upset to say the least.

The 16-year-old daughter of President Barack and Michelle Obama went to Gjelina in Venice, CA with some friends and a photog snapped some pics as Malia and her buddies walked out of the eatery.

The pap then sent the pics to the AKM-GSI agency to sell.  The agency posted the pic on its website for media outlets to purchase, but several hours later The First Lady’s Office called AKM-GSI and asked them to please take the pics off the website and delete them from their files.

TMZ says they were told that Michelle Obama‘s people told the agency they had promises from various media outlets not to photograph the 2 girls when they were not in the presence of their father.

AKM-GSI then agreed, sending an email to the media with the subject, “URGENT SET KILL NOTICE.”

The text reads,

“Please delete the set of Malia Obama from your archive.  The set was sent around earlier today.  We cannot distribute this set.”

Malia has been in L.A. over the last few weeks, doing an internship on Halle Berry’s TV show for part of the time.

This isn’t about a spoiled Hollywood starlet’s child living a life of excess in front of everyone’s face…this is a child who is two years from leaving the nest and is trying to learn some adult responsibility. The Obama’s must be beside themselves allowing her to go to LA without them but it was probably a good look for her growth wise.

Whether the paps like it or not they should back off of the President’s kids!  What the paps need to realize is this…The President Of The United States and his family are constantly being threatened. And we mean like serious death threats from citizens of this country let alone from people around the world. Taking that child’s picture and giving her whereabouts is horrible! What if something happened because of it? What would the photogs say then…sorry? That doesn’t cut it!

We understand that they are just trying to make a living and trust us we totally get that. But there is a human line that has to be drawn in the sand sometimes. The White House was not wrong to protect Malia and if people are being honest…they would do the same for their own kids or loved ones.



White House Frustrated With Paparazzi For Taking Pics Of Malia In California  was originally published on

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