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Adrian Peterson Can’t Play With The Vikings…This Weekend

The Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was placed on the owners’ exempt list, which means he won’t be playing the game against the New Orleans Saints this weekend. Jay Onrait reported Vikings Owners Zygi Wilf and Mark Wilf’s statement on Fox Sports Live: “After careful consideration of the past two days, the team has decided to place Peterson on the exempt commissioner’s permission list, which means he’ll remain away from all team activities until the legal proceedings involving his child abuse case in Texas are resolved.”

He continues, “after further reflection, we have concluded that this resolution is best for the Vikings and for Adrian.”

The announcement comes just days after he posted a statement on Twitter, requesting privacyeven though some people, like Don Lemon, have started a conversations about instilling discipline in children. During a CNN segment Lemon didn’t condone Peterson’s actions, but he did mention that he had to get the switch off of the tree when he was a child. “If I brought back a switch that wasn’t big enough,” he said, “then my grandmother or my dad or my mom would go get a bigger one.”

The argument over what’s considered abuse and what’s considered discipline will never be over. Where do you draw the line, beauties?

UP NEXT: Todd’s Mom Puts Kandi Pregnancy Rumors To Rest

PM BUZZ: Adrian Peterson Benched; Bey & Jay Collab Album On The Way & More  was originally published on

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