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Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now,” delivered an inspirational commentary about the current fight for social justice in the aftermath of the deaths of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, John Crawford, Ezell Ford and countless others who have lost their lives as a result of police brutality and misconduct.

On Friday, Martin explained that we are seeing a moment turn into a movement for social justice in America that we may not have seen since the Civil Rights era. It has been 50 years since the nation witnessed Freedom Summer and the march on Selma.   

“This folks, is our Selma, this is our Birmingham,” Martin exclaimed. “This is the moment when we must make a decision as to whether or not we’re going to establish a legacy. We’re going to put our foot down, we’re going to put a marker down and say from this moment on and say enough is enough.”

Martin implored viewers to get involved in the #BlackLivesMatter movement saying, “You have to decide what’s your lane. You have to decide whether or not you’re going to give money. Whether you are going to give your time. Whether you are going to go out there and protest” or if you are going to participate in local government .

He added, “No one knows when the results of police brutality or misconduct “may visit your home. You do not know when you may become a national story.”

“This is the moment when we have to make a decision as to whether or not we are going to demand this country become a more perfect union.”

Martin continued, “The opportunity is sitting before us. The opportunity is waiting. There are organizations waiting on you to show up, waiting on you to sign up, waiting on you to send a check, but you have to make a decision, what am I prepared to do?”

Watch Martin’s entire commentary in the video above and let us know your thoughts.

Be sure to listen to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, weekdays at 7 a.m. EST and watch at 9 a.m. EST on TV One.

Subscribe to the “NewsOne Now” Audio Podcast on iTunes.

Roland Martin On The #BlackLivesMatter Movement: This Is Our Generation’s Selma [VIDEO]  was originally published on

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