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Cindra Ladd (pictured), a philanthropist, former entertainment executive and wife of Oscar-winning Hollywood producer Alan Ladd, Jr. is the latest alleged Bill Cosby accuser who claims the legendary comedian drugged and raped her when she was just 21-years-old, she penned in an op-ed for the Huffington Post.


Ladd was living in New York City and working for a well-known film producer back in 1969.  She was single, and Cosby was 32-years-old and very married to Camille at the time of their meeting.  The pair began their alleged illicit relationship by casually dating.

One evening, they had made plans to see a movie but Ladd says she was struck with an awful headache. Cosby reportedly offered Ladd a pill to cure what ailed her and she did raise an eyebrow at it stating, “I asked a couple of times what it was,” she wrote. “Each time he reassured me, asking, ‘Don’t you trust me?’ Of course I did. This was Bill Cosby.”

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After ingesting the drug, Ladd claims, her memory became somewhat of a blur. “I don’t remember where the theater was nor very much of the evening,” she wrote. “What I do recall, vividly and clearly, is waking up the next morning nude in the bed of his friend’s apartment and seeing Cosby wearing a white terry cloth bathrobe and acting as if there was nothing unusual.”

Why didn’t Ladd press charges against the actor with the pristine image at the time?  Ladd claims that the circumstances of her situation left her feeling numb and besides the concept of date rape was nonexistent at that time.

Ladd said had no idea that there were other women who had their own horror stories to share about “America’s Favorite Dad.”  “I told my story to our attorney, who is also a good friend, because I was considering going public then, but eventually chose not to because the case was settled,” she wrote. “This is the first time I have chosen to speak out about that night. It is also the last time I intend to address it publicly.  I have no plans to sue, I don’t want or need money. I have no plans for a press conference or for doing any interviews,” she added.

Cosby and Ladd did cross paths again in recent years when ironically, her husband Alan introduced them. She wrote, “I was shaking, wondering if he would recognize me by my unusual first name. His reaction spoke volumes. To Bill Cosby, I was just another stranger.”

Ladd is seemingly just another alleged twisted conquest in Cosby’s ever-growing list of accusers.  Since the more than 30 women,who have come out of the woodwork to accuse the iconic funny man of drugging and then sexually assaulting them, he has met with an array of protests in one form or another from those who have deemed him guilty.

The allegations have resulted in NBC putting the kibosh on Cosby’s comedy project with them, Netflix bowed out of a stand-up special deal and many of his stage engagements have been canceled.

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Bill Cosby Accused By Hollywood Powerhouse Who Claims He Drugged And Raped Her  was originally published on

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