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As a parent, nothing brings me more joy than taking pictures of my daughter. I literally have hundreds of pictures/videos of all her most precious moments and as a mommy blogger, I share them via social media sometimes. However, when Kyra Pringle decided to share a photo of her daughter, who has a rare Chromosome 2 Duplication and she became a meme, it made me second guess ever sharing a picture of my daughter online ever again.

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How can something that’s done in happiness and love be turned into something so ugly and cruel? Some would argue “Well that’s why you shouldn’t share your kids pics on social media” and they may be right. I have on more than one occasion thought about this myself.

When we share, we open ourselves up to both the good and the bad that social media has to offer. I will not blame the victim; Pringle or any parent has a right to share their pictures with whomever they choose. It’s not just about the pictures, it’s about sharing the experience, the love and the happiness that comes with having a child. If you choose to share, do it as safely as you can but understand the risk involved, even with sharing among people that you know.

Here are 5 Ways To Safely Post Your Kids Pics Online:

1. Make sure your social media is private.

We all want to have a lot of friends on social media, but if you’re posting pictures of your little one make sure you know who’s looking at your pics. Facebook privacy settings allow you to pick and choose who sees what and when. It’s one of the best ways to protect your personal pictures.

2. Set up a photo sharing account.

If you’re hesitant about posting your pictures then maybe a private photo sharing account is for you. Many of us have family members in other states that we don’t get to see as often as we like, but still want to include in the milestones and precious moments of our children. Sites like Shutterfly and Snapfish are a great way to share your photos with only the people you choose.

3. Use a watermark.

Watermarks or tags show that these photos are yours and no one else should be sharing them without your permission. Bloggers use them, so why can’t you?

4. Share some, save some.

You remember how Beyonce only showed the back of Blue Ivy’s head? It’s like she’s giving you a glimpse of her life and protecting her little one’s privacy. You can still share part of your moment, while saving the more personal parts for family and friends. If it’s good enough for Bey, it’s good enough for you.

5. Don’t share at all.

Finally, the only real way to guarantee that your photos are safe is to not share them at all. 99 percent of your social media interactions will be positive, but it’s that one percent chance that may make you decide to to keep your personal life private.

I choose to share and little/save a little. How about you? Do you share your kids’ photos? And if you do, will you continue to do so?


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No Child Should Be A Meme: 5 Ways To Safely Post Your Kids’ Pics Online  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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