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Earlier this week, thousands of LiveNation customers received a slightly odd email “from Prince” that began with the words, “Sorry 2 bother u.” The photo accompanying the message was of a little Judith Hill, the powerhouse vocalist who toured with Michael Jackson and delivered a searing performance of his hit, “Heal the World,” at his memorial service, and who went on to superstardom in the documentary 20 Feet from Stardom and then as a contestant on NBC’s The Voice. Although Hill did not ultimately win the primetime singing competition, it was more than evident during her time on the show that she was well ahead of her peers in the game, despite having been told that she needed to perform on a TV talent show in order to advance her career (which Hill recounts in the documentary). With a massive fan base and acclaim from industry insiders—not to mention the ultimate seal of approval from Prince, whose LiveNation email was to invite fans to check out her new album—Hill’s debut release, Back In Time, arrived with a sweet offer: Download the entire album for free until March 28.

With Prince as the album’s producer, one might expect Hill’s inaugural outing to be filled with the obvious nods to his iconic sound. And while there are certainly a few Princely elements here and there, Back In Time is definitely Judith Hill’s album. This is her moment in the spotlight, finally, and all of her hard work, hustle, and sacrifice has paid off.

Judith Hill’s album is available for free download here.

Prince Introduces Judith Hill’s Debut Album in the Most Princely Way Possible  was originally published on

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