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Police are on the lookout for two men who assaulted a passenger on a St. Louis train for refusing to speak about the Michael Brown case, the New York Daily News reports.

The incident took place last Monday evening when David Autry was riding the MetroLink train home. He was approached by a group of men who were talking about Brown, the unarmed teenager shot and killed by former officer Darren Wilson last year. The case prompted a national eruption of demonstrations and protests in Ferguson and influenced the outcry of other police killings in 2014.

When Autry declined to comment on the case, one of the men (seen on the video wearing a red shirt) punched him several times. A man in a gray coat also punched him before jumping out of the train.

Autry says he’s happy there’s footage showing the fight, but is disappointed no one tried to stop it from happening.

“I think it was disgusting that no one (helped),” he told the station. “People were sort of laughing and smiling about it. No one offered to help and no one attempted to call 911.”

Surveillance footage also caught two clear images of the men involved. Autry has set up a GoFundMe to help pay for lawyer fees and a motorcycle so he can avoid taking the train. While he’s just a few hundred dollars from his $5,000 goal, Autry says he plans to donate a portion of the funds to other victims of crimes in the St. Louis area.

Autry has received a ton of support since the video spread all over the web during the weekend. He’s also been offered Krav Maga and focus training classes to defend himself from perpetrators in the future.

SOURCE: NY Daily News | VIDEO CREDIT: YouTube 


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Man Assaulted On St. Louis MetroLink For Refusing To Talk About Michael Brown Case  was originally published on

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