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Tony Terrell apartment

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

Nearly a month after the tragic death of unarmed Madison, WI teen Antonio “Tony” Terrell Robinson at the hands of a local cop, his roommate has been slapped with an eviction notice from their landlord, as well as a bill for the cost of the “bio-hazard cleanup” left behind at the bloody scene.

Robinson was killed March 6 in front of his home by police officer Matt Kenny, inciting outrage and #BlackLivesMatter protests across the city. But now the story has become even more grim with the news that Anthony M. Limon, Robinson’s roommate, has reportedly been taken advantage of by their insensitive landlord, Ray A. Peterson. Limon was not only handed the eviction notice, but also ordered to leave the premises within five days if he did not pay the three-days-late monthly rent and cover the $1,192.15 cost of the cleanup of the blood shed by his friend when he was murdered.

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The eviction letter was addressed to Limon, and his mother Tamara Herrera (who name is on the lease instead of Robinson’s) and has come as an alarming shock to many. The story was first broken by Wisconsin radio station Devil’s Advocate. The on-air personalities revealed that, because of the tragedy, Limon had suffered emotionally from the loss and at times couldn’t go to work as planned. As a result, he had fallen behind in income.

Peterson has stated that he believes the notice and cleaning bill are fair, calling it “an appropriate legal charge.” Furthermore, Peterson claimed that by not doing so, the matter would transpire as a case of “[giving] special privileges, it could be a real discrimination problem.”

“In order to stay in business we have to treat the laws equally and all lessees equally,” he said.

And as one might expect, given the pretty insensitive way he’s conducted himself so far, Peterson only mildly acknowledged how the blood on his property got there in the first place. When commenting on Robinson’s death, he simply said “We certainly feel bad about it.”


Limon was reportedly planning to move from the apartment in the near future anyhow, so whether he’ll  have to pay the bill is still up in the air. But from his perspective, we can only imagine that Peterson’s complete disregard of the tragedy, as well as the threats made toward him, only further adds to the sadness of his current situation, since his friend was unjustifiably killed in the home they lived in.


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Landlord Slaps Wisconsin Teen With Cleaning Bill After His Roommate Is Killed By Cops  was originally published on

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