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President Obama has always been known for being personable, and he showed that during a recent visit to Jamaica. Yesterday when he arrived at the Assembly Hall of the University of the West Indies, Mona campus, he greeted students with “Wah gwaan Jamaica?” He then followed with “Big up.” He discussed the Youth Leaders of the Americas Initiative before more than 350 young leaders. “I can’t believe I am actually looking at Barack Obama” said one of the students. “If this is possible, anything is possible.” Read more.

Cop Group Sends Warning About “Race Agitators”

After the murder of Walter Scott at the hands of a police officer, the tensions in South Carolina are at an all-time high. The shooting, which took place in North Charleston, has many people infuriated and has reportedly sparked anti-police discussions. The Fraternal Order of Police warned cops about their safety. “These dedicated men and women are still responding to calls for help. They are still stopping the drunk driver. They are still protecting our schools. They are still here to serve,” read a statement. “Do not allow the professional race agitators to seize this moment to advance their often self-serving opinions of what is wrong in South Carolina. Do not allow them to bemoan the lack of trust of police by the minority community.” Read more.

SC Cop Michael Slager Hires Top-Notch Defense Lawyer

Michael Slager, the former North Carolina police officer who shot and killed Walter Scott, has hired a top-notch lawyer to defend him. But many people are wondering how he is able to afford him. Earlier this week, Charleston defense lawyer Andy Savage shared that he will represent Scott. Slager’s former lawyer, David Aylor, quit after the video went viral. “If he’s well-known and not giving a discount, it’s hard to imagine a police officer would be able to afford this,” said Paul Bergman, a professor emeritus at UCLA Law School. After a GoFundMe page for Slager was removed earlier this week, a new page has been created on IndieGoGo to raise money for the officer. Read more.


News Roundup: President Obama Greets Jamaican Leaders With “Wah Gwaan”…AND MORE  was originally published on

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