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Loretta Lynch

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

We have no idea why Loretta Lynch is still waiting to be confirmed as the new Attorney General to replace Eric Holder. And while we’re all getting restless, Lynch’s biggest supporters (an advocacy group founded by Rev. Al Sharpton) have been extremely vocal about their patience running thin, protesting the delay. Their latest plan is to stake a hunger strike.

Dubbed “Confirm Loretta Lynch Fast,” the new tactic is designed in the mold of actions by civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi and Cesar Chavez, organizers said. The group’s executive director, Janaye Ingram, added: “We stand with Loretta Lynch and are so in support of this cause that we are willing to sacrifice our daily meals to impress upon the U.S. Senate that it’s time to call a vote.”

MUST READ: Polichicks: Loretta Lynch Emerges As The Top Choice To Replace Eric Holder As Attorney General

This hunger strike is intended to put pressure the Republican leaders to confirm Lynch as Attorney General. Lynch has officially been waiting for 157 days and the average wait time for an Attorney General nominee is 18 days. This ridiculous wait time of 157 days is the longest wait in 31 years and longer than the last five nominees combined. What the heck is the hold up? The powers that be must really be against having the first Black woman serve in this role. “If it looks like a duck and talks like a duck it’s a duck. The duck is that she’s being treated differently. That’s a standard that allows some people to call this both racist and sexist,” Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner told reporters a few feet from Majority Leader McConnell’ s door as she joined forces with 20+ other prominent Black women to protest in Lynch’s honor.

We’re just being surface level here, but apparently, Lynch’s nomination is tangled up in an unrelated Senate fight over The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, a human-trafficking bill, which has been bogged down by a partisan dispute over its abortion provisions. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reiterated earlier this week that the chamber would not move on to Lynch until it resolves the dispute over that bill.

“As long as the Senate refuses to take fifteen minutes to confirm someone for Attorney General that they have already confirmed twice for U.S. Attorney,” National Action Network and its allies “will do everything in our power to draw attention to this completely unfair and unnecessary delay to vote to confirm Loretta Lynch,” Sharpton, who founded NAN, said in a statement Wednesday.

This advocacy group has more plans than just a hunger strike: they will also bombard Senate officers, write letters and launch a social media drive to being attention to their campaign to get Lynch confirmed. We’re here for this activism because obviously the unprecedented hold up is getting to be a little much.


Black Women March To Senate Leader’s Office To Protest For Loretta Lynch & We’re Like Who Run The World?!

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Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch Tells Senate Republicans She Is No Eric Holder & We’re Like Let ‘Em Know! [VIDEO]

Loretta Lynch’s Supporters Stage Hunger Strike Because The Haters Still Haven’t Confirmed Her As Attorney General  was originally published on

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