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Dante Servin, the 46-year-old Chicago police who shot and killed 22-year-old Rekia Boyd was found not guilty on all charges today. Judge Dennis Porter revealed the devastating verdict today and was met with expected shock and outrage. Knowing this would be the result, it’s being reported that Judge Porter asked anyone who may become emotional to leave the courtroom. Of course Rekia’s family erupted in anger.

Servin faced charges of involuntary manslaughter, reckless discharge of a firearm and reckless conduct. Now, he’s a free man.

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“I know this case has generated a lot of emotion … but this is a court of law, not a court of emotion,” Porter said before issuing a long ruling. Get this, the Judge claimed that even though there’s no doubt that Servin shot Boyd, he said prosecutors didn’t prove Servin acted recklessly when he did so, a requirement for finding someone guilty of manslaughter. Servin opened fire on a group of people–a group! And that’s not reckless?

Three years ago, Servin opened fire at a group of people near Douglas Park on March 21, striking Antonio Cross in his hand and Boyd in the back of her head. Servin has said he saw Cross pull a gun, but police never recovered a weapon, and prosecutors argued Cross was holding a cellphone.

Servin maintained that he feared for his life and started shooting after Cross lifted his cellphone. It’s being reported that Cross pointed the phone towards Servin as if it were a gun and once Servin spotted it and apparently “heard” a bang and felt something hit the back of his head, he fired…a lot.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Rekia Boyd’s family and loved ones.


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The Cop Who Killed Rekia Boyd Not Guilty On All Charges & We’re Getting Real Tired Of This  was originally published on

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