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President Obama‘s comedic chops were on display during the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner over the weekend. With politicians, celebrities, and journalists mingling at the “nerd prom,” the president’s jokes on Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, and more fit perfectly into his segment.

While the president was happy to talk about some of his wins this past year, he didn’t shy away from the haters during his zingers.

Check out some of the best jokes from the dinner below.

White House Correspondents Dinner Obama

Source: (Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images) / Getty

1. “Anger Translator”

Key & Peele‘s Keegan-Michael Key reprised his role as Luther, Obama’s Angry Translator, for the dinner, and kept the crowd on their toes. With “Luther” screaming the president’s feelings and Obama’s surprise blow-up at the end, the skit was surely entertaining.

Here’s a snippet:

Obama: “In our fast changing world, traditions like the White House Correspondents’ Dinner are important.”

Luther: “I mean really what is this dinner?” he said. “And why am I required to go to it? Jeb Bush, do you really want to do this?”

Obama: “Hillary will have to raise huge sums of money too.”

Luther: “Oh yeah,” he said. “She goin’ get that money. She goin’ get all the money. Khaleesi is coming to Westeros,” ( via: “Game of Thrones”.)

Obama Speaks At National Prayer Breakfast

Source: Pool / Getty

2. Everyone Loves Biden 

Vice President Joe Biden wasn’t spared from the sea of jokes, including one about the VP giving a massage to Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s wife.

“Those Joe Biden shoulder massages, they’re like magic,” Obama joked. “You should try one. Oh you have?”

Hillary Clinton

Source: (Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty Images)

3. Hillary Clinton  

Friend and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was hit with jokes about her email scandal, early promotional tours, and more.

“For many Americans, this is still a time of deep uncertainty.” Obama said. “For example I have one friend, just a few weeks ago she was making millions of dollars a year. And she’s now living out of a van in Iowa.”


(Photo by DON EMMERT) / Getty

4. A Few For Netanyahu 

Obama is aware of his gray hairs and knows everyone wants to see him out of office–including arch-enemy and Speaker of the House John Boehner. The president proved he wasn’t a fan of the speaker inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to speak to Congress last month.

“I look so old [House Speaker] John Boehner’s already invited Netanyahu to speak at my funeral.”

White House Correspondents Dinner Obama

Source: (Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images) / Getty

5. The “Bucket” List 

The president has a new method of dealing with climate change and international affairs. His special “bucket” list will get it all done, or not.

“Take executive action on immigration? Bucket. New climate regulations? Bucket. It’s the right thing to do,” Obama said.

White House Correspondents Dinner Obama

Source: (Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images)

6. The FLOTUS Joke

Michelle Obama looked great during the dinner, but with Obama poking fun at his age, he decided to mock FLOTUS’ “Let’s Move!” campaign.

“Meanwhile, First Lady Michelle Obama looks great,” he said. “I ask her her secret. She says, ‘Fresh fruits and vegetables.’ It’s aggravating.”


Source: NICHOLAS KAMM / Getty

7. Obama & Biden’s Bromance

Obama loves Biden so much, he was a part of a few jokes during the dinner, like the president’s dig at Indiana’s religious freedom law and the lingering security problem at the White House.

“I love that man,” Obama said. “We’ve gotten so close that some places in Indiana won’t serve us pizza any more.” He also showed a few photoshopped images of Sen. John McCain and Biden with brooms and baseball bats protecting the lawn.

White House Correspondents Dinner Obama

Source: (Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images) / Getty

8. Third Term?

With whispers of Democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders running as a presidential candidate, Obama gave the perfect endorsement:

“Apparently they really want to see a pot smoking socialist in the White House,” Obama said. “We could get a third Obama term after all.”

Dick Cheney

Source: Mark Wilson / Getty

9. Dick Cheney 

When Obama heard former vice president Dick Cheney call him the worst president of his lifetime, POTUS pointed out the obvious:

“Dick Cheney said I was the worst president of his lifetime, which is interesting because I think Dick Cheney is the worst president of my lifetime.” Burn!


 10. The 2016 Candidates 

Clinton was given the lightest jokes, as Obama went through some of the other presidential hopefuls one by one.

On Ted Cruz: “Galileo believed the world revolved around the sun. Ted Cruz believes the Earth revolves around Ted Cruz.”

Rick Santorum: “And Rick Santorum should stop talking about how he wouldn’t attend a gay marriage, Obama said — because there’s no way gays and lesbians would even consider inviting him to a same-sex wedding.”

Michele Bachmann: “Michele Bachmann predicted I would bring about the Biblical end of days. Now that’s big. … Lincoln, Washington — they didn’t do that.”

Donald Trump: “Donald Trump is here. Still,” Obama joked. “Anyway.”

Check out the full event here.


SEE ALSO: SNL’s Cecily Strong Takes On Police Brutality At WHCD [VIDEO]

President Obama’s Top 10 Jokes From The White House Correspondents’ Dinner  was originally published on

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