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According to a federal employee union, the cyberattack that exposed the personal data of millions of federal employees is more serious than the Obama administration thought it was. The personal information and social security numbers of nearly 4 million federal workers was stolen; making this situation the biggest data breach on U.S. computer networks in the country’s history. The hackers reportedly stole insurance and pension information, gender, age, and race data, and people’s addresses and birthdates. “We believe that Social Security numbers were not encrypted, a cybersecurity failure that is absolutely indefensible and outrageous,” wrote J. David Cox, president of the American Federal of Government Employees in a letter. As a result of the data breach, the senate voted on a new cyber security bill that would allow private companies to share cyberthreat data with the government, but it didn’t get enough votes to move forward. Read more.

House Set to Vote on Fast-Track Trade Authority

The House is slated to vote on a “fast-track” bill today that would allow President Obama and his administration to proceed with making several trade agreements that are in talks right now. One of the agreements that falls under the “fast-track” is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. There are many critics who are working to stop the bill. If the bill is passed, it will affect presidential trade negotiations for the next six years. There are some Republicans who are opposed to the “fast-track” plan, because they don’t want to give the Obama administration any more power. Some Democrats believe that it won’t stop secret deals from happening. Read more.

LeBron Suffers Head Injury in Game 4 of NBA Finals

Cleveland Cavaliers fans got a scare yesterday early on in the 4th game of the NBA Finals series when LeBron James took a hard fall, crashed into a camera guy who was sitting on the sideline, and injured his head. While going to the basket, James got his shot blocked by Golden State Warriors’ Andrew Bogut and went down. After getting treated, he reentered the game. According to reports, he didn’t receive any stitches, but the medical team used glue to close up the wound on his head. The injury served as a prime example that it will take blood, sweat, and tears to get an NBA championship. The Warriors got the victory last night with a 103-82 win. The series is now tied at 2-2. Read more.

NEWS ROUNDUP: Hackers Stole Federal Employees’ Social Security Numbers…AND MORE  was originally published on

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