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As former Spokane NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal remains at the center of controversy, many people are speaking out in her defense. Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar recently penned an op-ed piece about Dolezal’s situation, titled “Let Rachel Dolezal Be as Black as She Wants to Be,” in which he said we should not condemn her for identifying as Black, and that the African-American community is better off because of her efforts. “Whatever the reason, she has been fighting the fight for several years and seemingly doing a first-rate job. Not only has she led her local chapter of the NAACP, she teaches classes related to African-American culture at Eastern Washington University and is chairwoman of a police oversight committee monitoring fairness in police activities,” he wrote. Abdul-Jabbar isn’t the only celebrity to support Dolezal; Melissa Harris-Perry said on her show that Rachel could be “trans-Black,” which means identifying with a race that she wasn’t born into. Read more.

Top Al-Qaeda Leader Killed

According to reports, a top al-Qaeda leader has been killed in a drone strike that took place in Yemen. Nasir al-Wuhayshi was the terrorist group’s second in command. He was expected to take over the position of the current global chief Ayman al-Zawahiri. According to CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank, his death was the “biggest blow against al Qaeda since the death of bin Laden.” Read more.

Prince Played Secret Obama Party

The White House is known for hosting star-studded events, and now details about one of the First Family’s private parties was recently leaked. According to officials, President Obama and FLOTUS held a private event last weekend that brought out legendary singers Stevie Wonder and Prince, as well as other entertainers and business moguls. The event was not featured on the President’s public agenda, but those who attended took to Instagram and posted photos. “Dancing at The @WhiteHouse to Prince and Stevie Wonder with my lady Ciara. Thanks Mr. President and First Lady!” posted Seattle Seahawks quarterback and Ciara’s new beau Russell Wilson. There were reportedly over 500 attendees at the party. Read more.


NEWS ROUNDUP: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Defends Rachel Dolezal, Top Al-Qaeda Leader Killed…AND MORE  was originally published on

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