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In today’s NewsOne Top 5, we take a quick look at the stories trending on that you are talking about. Today’s list includes:

“I Identify As Black:” Rachel Dolezal Breaks Her Silence On NBC’s “Today Show”

Ivy Taylor Elected As First Black Mayor Of San Antonio

Michael Jordan Says He Can Take Current NBA Players In One-On-One

Timothy Loehmann: Cleveland Cop Says 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Left Him ‘No Choice’ But To Shoot

White Supremacist Group Invites Former McKinney Officer To “Whites Only” Community

For these stories and more, stay tuned to NewsOne. Follow us on Twitter and be sure to friend us on our Facebook page to stay up to date with all of the latest news.

NewsOne Top 5: Rachael Dolezal Is Still Claiming She’s Black…AND MORE  was originally published on

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