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Tia Mowry-Housley, Adam Housley, son Aden at second baby shower

Source: Chelsea Lauren / Getty

Actress Tamera Mowry-Housley and her husband Adam Housley welcomed a new bundle of joy into the world yesterday. Housley, who is a Fox News correspondent, took to Twitter to share the news that Tamera gave birth to a baby girl, who they named Ariah Talea Housley. “We are so blessed and excited right now,” he tweeted. “Ariah Talea Housley was born at 2:54. … We are so excited to have Ariah here. Such a strong girl!” This is the second child for the couple, who have a 2-year-old adorable son named Aden together. Tamera’s sister Tia also took to social media to join in on the excitement. “I am officially auntie to a niece!!” she tweeted on Wednesday evening. “So excited!! Congrats to the Housleys!!!” Read more.

White House Lifts Ban on Taking Photos

Brace yourselves for a bunch of White House selfies. According to officials, the White House has decided to get rid of a 40-year ban on photos during tours. Yesterday, First Lady Michelle Obama posted a video in which she tore a sign that had the rule written on it. Many people believe that getting rid of the rule opens the door for positive images of the White House to be featured on social media; providing people with an inside look of what it’s like. “I think it kind of does change things,” said a visitor. “We prepared the kids. We said, ‘You’ve got to treat your eyes like cameras.’ But this will make these memories last longer this way, without the fuzzy filter of memory.” Read more.

Whole Foods Admits to Overcharging Customers

After a recent report put Whole Foods on blast for overcharging customers, the grocery store’s CEOs are owning up to it. They issued an apology through a YouTube video. “Straight up, we made some mistakes and we want to own that,” said co-CEO Walter Robb in the video. “It’s understandable sometimes that mistakes are made. They are inadvertent. They do happen because it’s a hands-on approach to bringing you fresh food.” The chain is facing $58,000 in fines. Going forward they will have to retrain their staff, and use an auditing system to make sure all of the items are being weighed correctly. They also promised to refund customers for mislabeled products. Read more.


NEWS ROUNDUP: Tamera Mowry-Housley Gives Birth To Second Child, White House Lifts Photo Ban…AND MORE  was originally published on

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