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Single mother Laura Browder was recently taken into custody in Houston, TX for allegedly “abandoning” her children at a food court. Browder was in a job interview approximately 30 yards away. Browder was offered the job, but was then promptly arrested when she returned to her children that were sitting nearby at a McDonald’s outlet.

Browder maintains that she could see her children throughout the interview and that she interviewed for the job to provide for her children. In her full statement, she says:

“This was very unfortunate this happened. I had a interview with a very great company with lots of career growth. I am a college student and mother of two. I would never put my name, background or children in harms way intentionally. I have a promising future ahead of me regardless of what the media tries to portray me as. A judge released my children to me knowing that I was a good mother who just made a not so smart decision. My children weren’t even 30 yards away from me, I fed them and sat there with them until it was time to meet with my interviewer. This too will pass and I am not concerned with outsiders have to say or what they think.”

Browder says she was unable to get someone to watch her children on short notice for the interview. She does not know if her arrest will impact her job offer; there weren’t any details disclosed as to what kind of job the young mother had interviewed for. Authorities say they are investigating the issue and that they will help Browder obtain proper daycare.

Browder’s story is reminiscent of Shanesha Taylor, another young woman who was arrested for leaving her children in a car while she went out for a job interview in Scottsdale, AZ. After national uproar at her arrest, Taylor was released and later reconnected with her children.



Shanesha Taylor Pleads Guilty To Child Abuse

Shanesha Taylor Speaks Out On Leaving Her Kids In SUV During Job Interview

Mom Who Left Her Kids In Hot Car Faces 18 Years Of Probation

Young Mother Arrested For Leaving Kids At Nearby Food Court During Job Interview  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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