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A Ku Klux Klan rally in South Carolina Saturday was overthrown by anti-racism protesters and a few viral moments that shifted the conversation from hatred to the peace and resilience of the city’s residents.

Two thousand people arrived at South Carolina’s statehouse, according to the Huffington PostSome were present for the KKK’s rally against the removal of the Confederate flag, while others from the New Black Panther party and Black Lives Matter groups held their own peaceful protest. The North Carolina-based Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan put the rally together a week after Governor Nikki Haley called for the removal of the flag. Many of the members who did show up were from Kentucky and surrounding states.

The Klan, along with other White supremacists, stated their reasoning behind the rally was to show the traditional heritage of the flag. However, other members told reporters they were present to start a “White revolution” and spewed racial slurs at Black protesters.

Cops tried to keep the groups separate, but with tensions high and images of swastikas and the flag paraded around, members from all groups clashed.

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Five people were arrested on various charges, including disorderly conduct and simple assault. One White man was apprehended for pulling out a knife on Black protesters.

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But the image of a Black officer assisting a White man in a Neo-Nazi t-shirt gave the rally a new tone, with many commending the officer for looking past hatred to help the man.

While reports noted that Black activists were present, many of the anti-racism supporters were of other races.

There was also a heartbreaking moment courtesy of a 10-year-old boy who wanted the KKK to stop spreading hatred.

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Police ended the rally an hour early to prevent more incidents from happening.

This post has been updated to reflect the fact that the man being helped by the black cop who was previously identified as “socialist” was wearing a Neo-Nazi (National Socialist) t-shirt.

SOURCE: Huffington Post | VIDEO CREDIT: NDN 

SEE ALSO: NetrootsNation: Black Lives Matter Protesters Shut Down Campaign Speeches

Obama’s Prison Visits Sheds Light On A Reason So Many Black People Can’t Vote

Black Officer Aiding White Supremacist Demonstrates Humility By SC Residents During KKK Rally  was originally published on

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