Majic ATL Featured Video
Shirley Strawberry Reads the Strawberry Letter

Source: Steve Harvey Morning Show / Steve Harvey Morning Show

Strawberry Letter: I Got Diarrhea On My Date


Dear Steve,
I have been crushing on my Co worker for three years now. Finally he asked me out for dinner and a movie. I was so excited. Finally I was going to get my chance with him. I got my hair done and put on my little black dress. I was on fire and I wanted him to put it out. He picks me up for dinner and we’re having a fabulous time up until I get the bubble guts. I’m lactose intolerant and I ate ice cream. I tried to hold my composure. He asked if we could skip the movie and go to his place and talk and drink wine. I said sure. We make it to his place and no sooner than we walk through the door we are tearing off each others clothes. I was so excited this is what I’ve been wanting. Then all of a sudden it happens. When I mount the horse, I get explosive diarrhea all over him. Steve I was mortified. He threw me in the floor and just walked out the apartment. I showered and left. I don’t know what to do or say. Should I call him? He’s avoiding me at work. Is there anyway to come back from this minor setback?

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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