Majic ATL Featured Video
Shirley Strawberry Reads the Strawberry Letter

Source: Steve Harvey Morning Show / Steve Harvey Morning Show

Strawberry Letter : So Dumbfounded

Extremely dumbfounded by what has recently happened to me.  I was married to a man in the army and he cheated on me for a long time like most women I tried to make it work. He cheated and a child was brought in this world as a result.  The child is a year younger than mine. Mind you he has four children.  I filed for divorce and went on with my life.  Suddenly out of nowhere the woman who helped him ruin my family requested we be friends since we have children by the same man.  How do I handle this, do I accept this and put it behind me or do I continue to ignore her and not bring up the old mess.  Thanks so much for your time.

So dumbfounded,

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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