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Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore

Source: Stephen Lovekin / Getty

Hoteps pop up in the most unlikely places.

During Wednesday’s episode of the “Nightly Show,” Larry Wilmore chided Black Lives Matter protesters for interrupting a Bernie Sanders’ rally in Seattle and mocked the mantra spoken across the nation to raise awareness about Black women killed by state violence.

RELATED: Black Lives Matter Activists Shut Down Another Bernie Sanders Appearance

Mara Willaford and Marissa Johnson caused a national debate when they bum-rushed Sanders during his own event, forcing him off the stage. Since then, security concerns have been raised about Sanders’ safety and the endgame of the #BlackLivesMatter movement has been discussed far and wide.

So, what did Wilmore have to say about it?

“Say her name? Say her name? You know things aren’t going well when Black women upend your event and start reciting old lyrics from Destiny’s Child.”

“Now ladies, I agree that Black lives matter, but Black manners matter, as well.”


If these were men on the stage demanding that police brutality be central to any campaign platform, would Sanders have told them to mind their manners?

The question is rhetorical. The answer is no.

See the clip over at

Larry Wilmore Mocks #SayHerName Campaign, Says ‘Black Manners Matter’  was originally published on

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