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Racial Segregation In Ferguson Manifests Through Housing Discrimination

March Held In Ferguson Marking Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

The St. Louis, MO area is infamous for being one of the most highly segregated areas with a sizable Black population in the U.S. From 1934 to 1968, redlining from the Federal Housing Administration barred Black residents from securing loans—something that was supposed to have been struck down with the Fair Housing Act of 1968. However, experts say that today’s housing discrimination is still present and is much more subtle, as Black renters are turned away from certain areas. Furthermore, rigid practices among housing managers still yield a bias in whom they allow into their properties. Read more at the Huffington Post.

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Housing Discrimination Devastates Ferguson’s Black Residents & More News You Need To Know  was originally published on

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