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James Blake is coming for that clueless NYPD officer that tackled him to the ground last week. In an interview with the New York Daily News, Blake commented that Officer James Frascatore should no longer be a part of the NYPD due to his incompetence and violent behavior. Blake is quoted as saying: “[I]n my opinion he doesn’t deserve to ever have a badge and a gun again, because he doesn’t know how to handle that responsibility effectively.”

Blake went on to suggest that Frascatore is an embarrassment to others on the force who put produce “good work” in helping their communities and keeping civilians safe. While Blake is pursuing a lawsuit with his legal team on the matter, Frascatore is now subject to an internal investigation and has been stripped of his badge and gun. Read more at the New York Daily News.

Up Next: Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Makes A Surprising Announcement 

James Blake Demands NYPD Cop Be Fired For Abuse & More News You Need To Know  was originally published on

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