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President Barack Obama on Thursday took to Twitter to praise a Washington, D.C. police officer who used dance steps to defuse a fight between a group of teens.


The incident occurred Monday afternoon in the southwest section of D.C., after officers broke up two groups of fighting teenage girls, according to The Washington Post. That’s when an officer, who asked not to be identified, approached a lingering crowd and asked them to leave the area.

From The Washington Post:

That’s when Aaliyah Taylor, a 17-year-old senior at Ballou High School, walked up to the officer and started playing “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)” on her phone. Then she did the Nae Nae dance.

The officer, according to Taylor, laughed and said she had far better dance moves than that.


“Instead of us fighting, she tried to turn it around and make it something fun,” Taylor said. “I never expected cops to be that cool. There are some good cops.”

Taylor said the officer told the group that if the teens won the dance-off, they could stay. If the officer won, they would have to leave.

D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier thanked the president for his support.

The video comes after a South Carolina school resource officer was captured on tape attacking a 16-year-old female student in a high school classroom. It also comes as protesters across the nation continue to rise in protest against police violence in communities of color following several high-profile deaths at the hands of law enforcement over the last year.

While dancing may not be the answer in all cases, we wish more officers would make efforts to defuse situations instead of drawing their weapons or escalating tensions.

What do you think? Sound off in the comments…

SOURCE: The Washington Post | PHOTO CREDIT: Twitter | VIDEO CREDIT: Inform


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A Little Positivity: Obama Praises D.C. Cop Who Used “The Nae Nae” To Defuse Fighting Teens  was originally published on

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