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Source: Ronnie Kaufman/Larry Hirshowitz / Getty

Yet another group of Black women have been turned away from a UK nightclub for the color of their skin. A group of 11 friends travelled for over 100 miles from Luton, Bedfordshire to Birmingham for a birthday celebration at Bambu Bar. However, when they arrived, they say that bouncers turned them away because there were already too many Black people in the club.

“She looked us up and down and she kept saying ‘no, no you are not on the list,’” said Jess Gregory, the woman who organized the trip, “then said ‘I think you need to leave the queue. The manager came out and he said he could not overrule what the woman had said. He pointed to two of the lighter skinned girls who were with us and said they could probably get in. Then another friend spoke to the doorman who said there was no point in standing in the queue because they didn’t let groups of black people in as there would be too many in the club…It was appalling…we just walked away. We felt offended and it was embarrassing.

“I wouldn’t want anyone else to go through what we did. This is a huge issue for black people.”

Gregory went on to say that businesses such as Bambu should fear the consequences of being racist towards customers, especially in Birmingham, a city that is considered to be relatively diverse.

The club released a statement addressing the incident involving Gregory and her friends saying:

“We are aware of the allegations made with regards to a refusal of entry on Saturday gone.

“We strenuously deny all accusations made. Our front of house team is nothing but professional at all times and have been commended on numerous occasions for this by the local licensing team.

“As a venue of 500 capacity; we have over 1000 potential customers attempting to gain entry to our popular events and it is inevitable that people will be refused entry.

“As a licensed venue we will never discriminate on the basis of age, race or religion.”

Bambu was under fire just weeks before, when Leeta Lee, a 24-year-old woman of color was rejected after reaching out to the club through Facebook for employment opportunities. Lee was rightfully shocked when the club responded saying: “Yes but we need less Afro Caribbean Staff.”

Lee said to UK’s Metro: “I could not believe my eyes. It was blatant racism and clearly discriminatory. I couldn’t believe in this day and age I was being ruled out of a job based on my race.”

At the time, Bambu explained that the discriminatory comment was posted by a former employee who still had access to the Facebook page.

It looks like Bambu needs some new management…or at least Olivia Pope.

[SOURCE: Daily Mail, Huffington Post, Metro]


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Why Is This A Trend? Another Group Of Women Turned Away From A UK Nightclub For Being ‘Too Black’  was originally published on

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