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FBI foils Virginia white supremacists plot to blow up black churches

The FBI arrested three Virginia men who were planning to start a “race war” by bombing Black churches and Jewish synagogues, according to NBC 12. 

White supremacists Robert Doyle and Ronald Chaney planned their terror plot back in September. After meeting with an undercover FBI agent posing as an arms dealer last month, Doyle and Chaney crafted their blueprint, which involved robbing and killing a jewelry store owner with a third suspect, Charles Daniel Halderman.

FBI documents claim the men wanted to take the funds from the future robbery to purchase guns, bombs, and land in order to train for what Doyle called a “race war.”

On Sunday, Chaney met with the undercover agent again to purchase an automatic weapon, explosives, and a pistol with a silencer. He was arrested upon arrival, while Doyle was picked up later that day. Halderman was also arrested on November 8th and charged with conspiracy to commit Hobbs Act robbery.

Authorities believe the group’s Pagan religion played a part in their plan. Doyle and Chaney have ties to a religion called Asatru, derived from the Norse religion, which claims a member could achieve an honorable death if they fell in battle.

A local Asatru member says the religion doesn’t exploit or call for the terrorism of Black and Jewish people or their faith.

NBC 12 reports:

“That this is not the Norse Religion,” said Bryan Wilson of the Pagan faith. “This is not the Asatru. We don’t preach hatred. We’re not about destroying other religions or hurting people. Especially not because of the color of their skin.

“If there is going to be a fight, it is a one-on-one fight where there is equal parts,” Wilson added. “I don’t see anything equal about running in and dropping off a bomb. You’re not getting into Valhalla by creating a cowardly act like that. It’s just not going to happen. And Valhalla is our heaven. You can blame the religion all you want, but the religion doesn’t tell people to do things like that. That’s someone’s decision that they made on their own, and they just happen to be Asatru.”

Doyle and Chaney will make an appearance in court for a preliminary detention hearing on Thursday. Halderman’s court date is set for Friday.



Three Black Churches Have Burned Since Emanuel AME Massacre

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White Supremacists Arrested By FBI After Planning To Bomb Black Churches  was originally published on

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