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Caitlyn Jenner introduces the band Culture Club as they perform at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles, CA

Caitlyn Jenner is new to the transgender community, and she still makes mistakes.

The I Am Cait reality TV star and newly transitioned woman is apologizing to anyone she may have offended with recent remarks regarding the appearance of trans people.

In a blog she titled “Still So Much To Learn,” Cait revisited the controversial comments she made during an interview with TIME magazine.

She writes:

This week a lot of attention was brought to my comments in my TIME interview, in which I said that my appearance is important to me, that I want people to be at ease when they encounter me, and that people are still uncomfortable if a trans person looks like “a man in a dress.”

I think I caused a lot of hurt with this comment, and I’m truly sorry.

What I was trying to say is that our world really is still a binary one, and that people who look “visibly transgender” sometimes can struggle for acceptance and may be treated poorly by others. And while this may be true, it’s also something that needs to change.

Some people look gender non-conforming because they want to look that way – they don’t want to conform to society’s expectations. Those people have every right to look and present exactly as they choose. And then there are other people who don’t have the resources to access the medical procedures that would help them look the way they would like to look. Procedures, incidentally, that most health insurance plans refuse to cover. All of these people are my brothers and my sisters, and I am fighting alongside them, too.

Head over to Cait’s blog to read the letter in its entirety. One thing’s for sure – this process hasn’t been easy.


Caitlyn Jenner Apologizes For Recent TIME Magazine Comments: “I Think I Caused A Lot Of Hurt…”  was originally published on

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