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Once President Barack Obama announced his executive actions on gun control, it would appear as if everyone “lost their damn minds.”

Those who opposed the President’s stance on guns took to social media, spinning various tales that Obama wants to take their guns from them – even going so far as to say the administration is looking to ban some Social Security recipients from owning guns.

On Thursday’s edition of NewsOne Now, host Roland Martin decided to help set the record straight about Obama’s gun control executive orders.

For those who believe the Obama administration is going to ban certain Social Security recipients from owning firearms, Martin referred to the White House’s FACT SHEET: New Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safer:

The Social Security Administration has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to include information in the background check system about beneficiaries who are prohibited from possessing a firearm for mental health reasons.

The Department of Health and Human Services is finalizing a rule to remove unnecessary legal barriers preventing States from reporting relevant information about people prohibited from possessing a gun for specific mental health reasons.

Once that was debunked, the debate over gun control continued.

NewsOne Now panelist Ralph Chittams, Sr., Senior Vice Chairman of the DCGOP, implied that President Obama is errantly using executive orders and not allowing Congress to issue legislation on gun control.

Martin responded to Chittams’ comments, saying, “The Constitution of the United States allows the President of the United States to issue executive orders and if Congress wanted to act, they could have.”

“The Republicans on 62 separate occasions voted on healthcare. Now, if they want to vote on the history of guns — Well damn it, go to work, but stop trying to say well, we legislate. If you had moved, he would not have to do an executive action. He waited until the final year in office to issue them,” said Martin.

“Sounds to me like he was waiting for Congress to do some work.”

Avis Jones-DeWeever added, “The day that this President was inaugurated, your party had a little pow-wow and made a decision as a party — the leaders in your party made the decision to oppose any and every piece of legislation that this President attempted to get through Congress.”

She later continued, “When you make the logical decision to not legislate — to then sit back and say, ‘Well, I don’t want him to pass any executive orders,’ in essence, you are saying that when this country was drowning in financial disorientation and a world financial crisis that was moving down a ship — instead of picking up a paddle and trying to get us out of this tornado of a financial disaster that we were in … you were willing to make the country sink for your own political gain.”

Watch Martin and the NewsOne Now panel discuss President Obama’s use of executive orders and fact check claims about gun control in the video clip above.

And don’t miss the moment after Avis Jones-DeWeever lays the smack-down, as captured in the moment below.

TV One’s NewsOne Now has moved to 7 A.M. ET, be sure to watch “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.

Subscribe to the “NewsOne Now” Audio Podcast on iTunes.


NewsOne Now EXCLUSIVE: Lucia McBath Discusses Obama’s Executive Action On Gun Control

NewsOne Now’s Gun Control Fact Check  was originally published on

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