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White House Struggles To Entice Millennials To Watch State Of The Union

Social media has evolved in the past seven years since President Obama took office. The White House is looking for creative ways in which to engage millennials to watch the State of the Union when it airs on January 12th. Obama’a speech will focus more on the legacy he hopes to leave as President. During his speech, he’s expected to reiterated his stance on gun control.Topics of discussion will also include veterans’ homelessness, health reform, tech innovation, immigration and gay marriage. Apart of the White House’s viewership campaign includes hosting a “West Wing”-inspired online Q&A session with more than 50 administration officials called “#BigBlockofCheeseDay.’’ Social networking apps SnapChat and Instagram will be utilized to show behind the scenes moments and the president will also be interviewed by YouTube stars Destin Sandlin, Ingrid Nilsen and sWooZie. {Politico}

Judge Dismisses Lawsuits Demanding Clinton Emails

In a 17-page order, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg dismissed lawsuits filed by two conservative organizations who were requesting the release of Hillary Clinton’s emails during her time as Secretary of State in accordance to the Freedom of Information Act. Apparently, there were legal loopholes which allowed Clinton to maintain her work-related emails in a personal account. Clinton has already turned over nearly 60,000 pages of documents which are in the possession of the FBI. According to the judge’s ruling, the State Department and the National Archives have done all they are legally required to do to obtain messages pertaining to Clinton’s previous position. {Politico}

Ebola Treatments Becoming Ineffective 

The good news, there hasn’t been any new reports of people contracting the Ebola virus in the past year, according to the World Health Organization. The bad news, the treatments being given to survivors may be ineffective. Initially herald by medical professionals, several drugs that patients were actively using have been recalled. Additionally blood donations from Ebola survivors has been added to the list of non-effective treatments. Research on ways in which to counteract the virus are ongoing within animals and vitro studies {CNN}

Presidential Candidate Rejected From Debate

Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) dismal polling numbers have disqualified him from appearing in an upcoming presidential debate on Fox Business. In order to receive one of the network’s six spots, the candidates had to have high polling numbers amongst national surveys. Also, anyone polling in the top five in New Hampshire or Iowa could also grab a lectern. Paul is seemingly disinterested in appearing in an earlier, less viewed “undercard” debate. “I think they’ve made a mistake,” said Paul, “I’m not willing to accept a designation as a minor campaign. We’ve raised $25 million. We’ve gotten on the ballot on every state.” Paul is confident that his campaign can and will continue to pick up steam ahead of primaries which begin, February 1st. “We’re getting bigger crowds. Just this week, in New Hampshire, we had bigger crowds at the Exeter Town Hall than Bill Clinton” added Paul. {The Washington Post}


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MORNING MINUTE: 31-Year-Old Nigerian Doctor Opens Her Own Emergency Room

MORNING MINUTE: White House Struggles To Entice Millennials To Watch State Of The Union  was originally published on

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