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Source: Mark Hill / Bravo

Phaedra gathered her boys and headed to Washington DC for the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. Phae-Phae invited Sheree and Kim since they have sons (who also tagged along), and Porsha was also invited since she is Hosea Williams’ granddaughter, but most of us are wondering if she finally figured out what the Underground Railroad is.


Apollo called from prison and spoke with Ayden as Phaedra prepared for her trip (which was also for her organization, Save Our Sons). How appropriate is it that Apollo called? Mass incarceration, Million Man March, fathers in jail, get it? That is how you drive a storyline. Well played, Phaedra. Well played.


Kenya’s family drama has continued into this week’s episode and it’s still sad. There has been some tension between Kenya and her aunt, Lori, in the weeks following Kenya’s unsuccessful visit to her mother’s house. In this episode, Aunt Lori and her daughter, stopped by to address the tension, and here’s where things get ridiculous. Basically, Aunt Lori lectured Kenya for going to see her mother and said she’s tired of being in the middle of the two of them because she doesn’t judge her sister for abandoning her child. To be fair, Kenya should have known what was going to happen when showing up to her mother’s house with cameras and an RV full of people. However, Aunt Lori was cold and out of line here because she basically told Kenya to get over the fact that her mom doesn’t want to talk to her for no reason other than the fact that she was born. She rationalized this thought process by saying that Kenya’s mom gave her away because she was really young when she had her. Kenya came back with the fact that her mom is still basically acting like she doesn’t exist even as a grown woman who is willing to overlook the past for the sake of a relationship. Yeah, this whole situation is messed up. The fact that a parent would abandon their child and then have the nerve to continue pretending as if they don’t exist is messed up. Despite Kenya’s pain and probable trauma behind this, she, her aunt and her cousin ended the conversation on a positive note. They hugged it out and Kenya promised to leave it alone…yeah right.

Back in DC, the group is politicking with their “connections” in congress. At one point they ended up at a luncheon with various politicians, where Kim’s two-year-old was acting like…a two-year-old, because he missed his nap. She stepped out so as not to be disruptive, and went back on their bus to try to get her youngest son to sleep. You know the rest of the group felt some type of way about this. See, the thing is, Phaedra’s sons are young, but she brought her nanny along just in case something like this happened. Kim would rather take a more hands on approach with her parenting all the time.

The group gave Kim even more of a side eye on the day of the march when she left early (as in, before the event actually started) to go back to Atlanta because she was hosting an event. Uh…why come to the Million Man March if you’re not even going to be able to stay for the actual march? Anyway, Porsha, Sheree, Phaedra and sons had a good day, and Kim was once again made to look like she didn’t really want to hang out with them heifers anyway. That’s probably going to come back to bite her though.


The episode wrapped with Nene and Cynthia’s own summit of sorts. Yup, NeNe is back!


NeNe and Cynthia are friends again, so NeNe stopped by Cynthia’s home with her husband and tow, and they all (Peter too) kicked it like grownups. But you already know, not everyone will be receptive to NeNe’s return. When the rest of the group finds out about this, shade will be delivert.

See you next week.


‘RHOAS8’ Recap: Mama Joyce Actually Plays Nice For The Sake Of Restoring Kandi And Phaedra’s Friendship

‘RHOAS8’ Recap: Phaedra Finally Admits That She Owes Todd Money

‘RHOAS8’ Recap: NeNe Leakes Returns To The Coven  was originally published on

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