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Roland Martin took Fox News contributor Stacey Dash to task for her comments about BET and Black networks during Thursday’s edition of NewsOne Now.

During an interview on Fox News, Dash said:

“We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don’t want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you are only awarded if you are black. If it were the other way around we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard.”

As a result of those factually incorrect remarks, Martin decided to straighten the Clueless star out.

In an opinion piece for The New York Daily News, Martin wrote:

“Dash wants to make this grandiose statement about segregation or integration, and decides to single out a black-focused cable network and an awards show. But what she didn’t say is that these entities were created because of a lack of proper representation on the major networks and awards shows.”

Martin, host of TV One’s NewsOne Now, also highlighted the fact that despite Dash’s call to “get rid” of Black television networks, the BET Awards, and the NAACP Image Awards, she forgot about her appearance as a presenter during the NAACP Awards in 2011.

In what Martin called a “boldface lie” in his Daily News piece, Dash made the outlandish claim that BET award recipients only win if they are Black.

On Thursday’s edition of NewsOne Now, Martin continued to bring the “fever to the funkhouse,” saying, “Whites have been actually nominated and actually won BET Awards.”

“Guess what,” Martin continued, “You’ve also had non-Blacks who’ve actually won Image Awards — in fact, that’s where I met Sandra Oh from Grey’s Anatomy — at the Image Awards. America Ferrera has actually won, George Lucas got an Image Award, so did Steven Spielberg, so did Bono.”

“Oh — guess what — I don’t think a DNA test will show that they’re Black,” Martin said.

Later, Martin highlighted a series of magazines Dash was featured on that cater to an African-American audience. NewsOne Now then splashed the covers of Jet, Smooth, Monarch, Krave, Pride, Heart & Soul, and the infamous King magazine on the screen — all of which featured Dash prominently on their covers.

Martin then took his takedown of Dash to the next phase: “If you dare to open your mouth to criticize things that are Black specific, you might want to check your own history and your past Stacey, because guess what — I know how to use Google — I know how to call you out.”

“See, I’m not a fake fraudulent commentator on television. See, I don’t act, this is real. I went to school for this, you didn’t,” said Martin.

He concluded his evisceration of Dash: “The next time you embarrass yourself and you lie, please pull your phone out, pull your iPad and say, ‘Let me at least call a brother like Roland who might tell me before I go on, don’t make an a$$ out of yourself,’ looking like a damn fool.”

Insert dropped mic right here.

Watch Roland Martin slay Stacey Dash in the video clip above.

TV One’s NewsOne Now has moved to 7 A.M. ET, be sure to watch “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.

Subscribe to the “NewsOne Now” Audio Podcast on iTunes.


Stacey Dash Calls Jada Pinkett Smith A “Hypocrite,” Dismisses Black History Month

Roland Martin Blasts Stacey Dash For Comments About BET, Black Networks  was originally published on

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