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Residents of Dalori, Nigeria surveyed the charred wreckage of their village on Sunday following an attack by the country's homegrown Islamic extremists, Boko Haram. (Jan. 31)

At least 86 people were killed in the latest attack reportedly carried out by radical Islamist militant group Boko Haram — an attack said to include the burning of children’s bodies in Dalori village, three miles from Maiduguri, Nigeria.

Houses were torched, three female suicide bombers detonated devices, and militants opened fire near Nigeria’s largest northeastern city in Saturday’s attack. Two nearby camps housing 25,000 refugees were also attacked, the Associated Press reports. A survivor, identified as Alamin Bakura, told AP the shooting and explosions continued “for nearly four hours.”

Boko Haram militants retreated late in the day after troops arrived with heavier artillery. An earlier attempt to push back the terrorist group was abandoned when it was discovered they were better armed.

According to Reuters, this is the third attack to occur this week in Nigeria. Boko Haram is suspected in each case.

“Since it started losing control of territory, Boko Haram has reverted to hit-and-run attacks on villages as well as suicide bombings on places of worship or markets.

In neighboring Adamawa state, a suicide bomber believed to be a Boko Haram militant killed about 10 people on Friday and at least 12 were killed on Wednesday in an attack on the Borno state village of Chibok, from where over 200 schoolgirls were abducted in 2014.”

According to Mohammed Kanar, the area coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency, 86 bodies were collected on Sunday, while another 62 people were treated for their injuries.

In the past year, Boko Haram has surpassed the number of fatalities claimed by the Islamic State, becoming the biggest terrorist threat in the world.

SOURCE: Yahoo, Reuters | VIDEO SOURCE: Inform


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Boko Haram Burned Children Alive In Latest Attack, At Least 86 Dead  was originally published on

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